The requested content was deleted with notes: Despite being logged onto the system, the system forced me to be anonymous. I couldn't see my post after it was uploaded, so I thought it wasn't uploaded. I guess I re-posted it several times.
Israel's New Initiative: Barbarism and Piracy at Sea
02 Jun 2010
Stephen Lendman
more Israeli crimes against humanity
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The Financial Market Must Become a Public Service
02 Jun 2010
Philippe Mastronardi
An institutional crisis faces us, not individual failure. Capitalism is not simply a market system. Capitalism is a social order. Therefore it cannot be left to economists to decide which laws of the market should operate.
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Canada's War on Islam: The Case of Mohamed Harkat
01 Jun 2010
Stephen Lendman
targeting innocent Muslims
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Bombard the Headquarters of the Opportunist Utrecht Mafia!
01 Jun 2010
Ka. Rosendo Monteroso

Comrade Mao-Zedong had been so clear in his teachings. Practice is primary over theory. He rhetorically asked in his philosophical writings, “Where do correct ideas come from? Do they fall from the sky? Are they innate in the mind? No, they come from social practice and social practice alone.”
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Can a Person Own His/Her Mother?
01 Jun 2010
Ulrich Duchrow
No one can own what exists in nature except nature. A human cannot own its own mother. However western ownership systems were forced on us against our worldview and our values. Humans are relational beings. In Ubunto, "I only live when you live."
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News :: Labor
Calif. Governor Candidate Alexander Introduce Building and Home Improvement Program
31 May 2010
Richard Perry
Under Alexander’s plan, homeowners would be able to borrow $10,000 to $50,000 for home improvements. This would be a federal program with funds being administered by state and local governments. Alexander says his home improvement program will help energize the building and construction industry in California and other states. Alexander estimates by 2013, this program will create thousands of good paying jobs in the building and construction industry and related services.
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Barack Obama: Liar, Warlord and Corporate Shill
30 May 2010
Stephen Lendman
another shameless public betrayal
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News :: Globalization : International Relations : Latin America : Miscellaneous
Cuba-Venezuela relationship: What can be said from an anarchist perspective?
30 May 2010
El Libertario, Venezuela
* This text appears in the June-July 2010 issue #59 of El Libertario, describing the position this voice of the Venezuelan anarchist movement takes regarding the close links between the governments of these two countries.
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Notes on the May 10 elections in the Philippines
29 May 2010
Sonny Melencio
THE MAY 10, 2010 ELECTION has been bandied about as the cleanest and the most peaceful election since the restoration of this exercise after the fall of the Marcos dictatorship in 1986. This is attributed to the computerized election which ensured the quick counting of votes so that there would be no sufficient time for any of the trapo (traditional politician) to cheat the votes.
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