Where is Iraq War Instigator, Richard Perle? By William Hughes
09 Jul 2003
Submitted by: William Hughes Publisher:
The Palestine Chronicle (7/9/03)
Democracy, Richard Perle?s rotten lies to the contrary, is not, like Coke Cola, an exportable product. Americans troops now face death around every corner in Iraq, as the situation on the ground begins to resemble the guerrilla warfare conditions of the British-occupied north of Ireland during the late 70s. The Iraqi war will only be over when the Iraqi people say so. The cost to U.S. taxpayers could hit $1.6 trillion. And, this totally uncalled for conflict has created even more enemies for America around the globe.
A final question: Will the slippery Perle, America?s Iago, ever be forced to answer to the people for his incalculable wrongdoing?
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