Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Middle East

Israel Celebrates, While Palestinians Endure. By William Hughes

Israel will be 55-years old, and it’s going to have a huge birthday bash, in DC, to celebrate it! The guest of honor will be that old softie himself, Ariel “The Butcher” Sharon. President George W. Bush is also slated to attend the festivities. The organizers are seeking to spotlight Israel’s so-called, “remarkable achievements in democracy.” Now, this could be tricky, especially since there are 3,000,000 Palestinians presently existing under an “Israeli siege” (The Link, “A Most Ungenerous Offer,” Jeff Halper, Oct. 2002). Prediction: The MCI Center, on May 19, 2003, in Washington DC, will be the scene of the largest anti-Zionist protest rally in U.S. history!

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