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Commentary :: Right Wing

VIDEO: David Swanson's "Daybreak" on BookTV

David Swanson is the author of "Daybreak. Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a Perfect Union" Mr. Swanson describes how he believes the nation was "hijacked by the Bush administration" and the work he says the public must do now to repair the damage. The BookTV event is in Coral Gables, Florida. Mr. Swanson is the creator of and He is also former press secretary for Dennis Kucinich's 2004 presidential campaign. "People fought against slavery their whole lives.. Solidarity is good for your health.
We don't have a moral choice. If civilization should go down, we should go down fighting.. The right-wing is outrageously over-represented on TV…" to hear David Swanson on CSpan's BookTV January 10, 2010, click on

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