Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Environment

From Bubbles to Living Economies

The old story promised stability based on enterprise but delivered chaos based on speculation. It preached transparency but created a world ruled by occult financial knowledge.." This 24-page pdf article was presented at the first meeting of the WFC Commission on Future Finance, Cairo, March 28-29, 2009. "The pioneer of a `steady-state', ethical and ecological economics, Prof. Herman Daly, warned that economic globalization is the last attempt to escape natural limits by growing into the economic and ecological space of other countries. Having now reached global limits from which there is no escape, we need to recognize that natural laws will always overrule economic laws. You can negotiate with creditors but not with melting glaciers! Non-existent oil cannot be burnt at any price.." to read the article from the World Future Council,, click

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