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Baltimore IMC

News :: Economy

Sanders Votes No on Geithner: “He’s] More of a Part of the Problem…Than the Solution”

"Certainly, the Bush administration has been horrendous, in terms
of their deregulatory fever, their belief that if we just give
these guys on Wall Street, whose whole life is based on greed, we
take away all regulations so that somehow or another
they’re going to do the right thing and create
prosperity for all Americans. I think you’ve got
to be pretty off the wall to believe that. But I have to say, it
was not just Alan Greenspan and Phil Gramm and George Bush who hold
that view. There were many people in the Clinton administration who
held that view, as well. So I have had some concerns, and
that’s why I voted against Geithner.. What came
out of the House is not only a huge investment in our
infrastructure, a huge investment in energy,
we’re talking about billions of dollars are
going to protect our most vulnerable Americans, significant
increase in food stamps, other programs to help those people who
are falling through the cracks, massive investments in education.
We have the highest rate of childhood poverty in the industrialized
world. Our childcare system is a disaster.

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