Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : Latin America : Politics

Repression on Menu in Mexico. By John Ross

The National Action Party's Felipe Calderon has been installed by the media and military as president of Mexico. However, the new Mexican president ends up on the losing side in Latin America—the election of Raul Correa in Ecuador is just the latest milestone in the pendulum swing to the left on the southern continent. Calderon represents a last losing gasp for US hegemony in the hemisphere. It is not just of passing significance that virtually all of Latin America's heads of state with the notable exception of Alvaro Uribe, Washington's puppet in Colombia, chose to absent themselves from the inauguration. Read more by John Ross about the Mexican elections and the concerted PRI-PAN plan to crush the self-designated "Commune of Oaxaca."

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