Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: International Relations : Middle East : Military : U.S. Government : War in Iraq

US: World Empire of Chaos. By Marwan Bishara

The US seems not to understand that its current global 'war on terrorism' is an asymmetrical war, and that the military superpower is losing its engagements. The resistance in occupied and bombarded lands can still claim victory when the US fails to impose its will. Al-Qaida and similar groups have profited from the war against them over the past five years. Their power lies in their ability to attract support and recruits from among disenfranchised, angry Muslims who feel victimised by the US global war on terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon. The US is stuck in the quicksands of the broader Middle East, sinking deeper with every move because the Bush administration has refused to learn any lessons about asymmetrical warfare in the region. Read more…

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