Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: U.S. Government

The Haunting Past

Amid Terri Shiavo death watch vigils, Pope death watch vigils and Pope smoke watch vigils, BHC readers may have caught a brief whiff of the Tom DeLay saga emanating from various news sources over the past few weeks. But one would have had to have been paying close attention because, compared to black Pope smoke, the smoke rising from the rancid embers of Tom DeLay's past indiscretions was just so much tawdry partisan bickering. Come on, we've got a Pope to pick! who cares about Tom DeLay? Indeed, most Americans aren't terribly familiar with just who, or what, is Tom DeLay at all. But for those curious enough, we here at the BHC will endeavour to present "The Hammer" and his rather seedy political history, so hold on ....

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