Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Economy : Elections & Legislation : Environment : Right Wing : U.S. Government : War in Iraq

Bonehead Compendium, Vol 46

Step right this way, folks, for you are all in for a treat as George "living the Orwell nightmare" Bush casts his gaze upon the land and proposes cuts to 150 domestic social programs. Ah, it's good to be King. Medicare is suddenly getting very expensive but pay no attention because Social Security will have problems forty years from now. North Korea boldly announces it nuclear stockpile to the world, more corporate wrongdoing comes your way and another royal wedding we expect the Brits are none too thrilled about. The BHC finally issues some wingnut smackdown and a marine general admits he loves a good fight as long as he's on the butt end of the rifle:

People who shoot people
Are the luckiest people
In the world.

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