Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Elections & Legislation : Right Wing : U.S. Government

The Bonehead Compendium, Vol. 44

This week saw George Bush inaugurated again and we all heard him pledge to spread freedom around the world. And readers will find out here just what that really means. The White House has embarked on their new year's agenda and the first order of business was to cancel the Hubble servicing mission, Powell says some things George Bush does not want to hear and it has been confirmed that US-installed Iraqi puppet Prime Minister Iyad Allawi is every bit the assassin we suspected him to be. Lots of graft and corruption in the financial industry, just in time to serve as warning about Social Security privatisation, and after passing the $550 billion Medicare bill, Republicans are now worried that the program is costing too much and standardised testing is showing the way to pupil enlightenment.

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