Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Elections & Legislation : Labor : U.S. Government

After the Elections, What Next? By Mark Dudzic

Mark Dudzic argues that "there is no question that the outcome of the 2004 elections must be seen as a stunning defeat for working people. Bush will use his "mandate" to attempt to steamroll a series of radical new initiatives aimed at the very heart of working people's ability to survive and to organize on their own behalf. Once implemented, many of these changes will take decades to reverse. Even more disturbing is how the election was apparently won. The Republican Party has turned the class anger of millions of mostly unorganized, mostly white, workers into a revolt against a bi-coastal liberal "elite". This is the stuff of which fascism is made.... Now is the time for the labor movement to commit its resources and activism into shifting the terms of debate and building a new working class majority."

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