Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Elections & Legislation : International Relations : U.S. Government : War in Iraq

Dubya's Fellow Travellers. By Stephen Bronner & Kurt Jacobsen

Bronner and Jacobsen comment: "Most of today’s fellow travelers hitch rides with the Democratic Party. But where it was once assumed that critical intellectuals should aim to illuminate, or expose, the confusions of sly politicians, stand with the more radical spirits on the ground, and push and prod the establishment to the left, these truculent champions of progress adopt the same assumptions and the same fears as the candidates on the stump. Like the rest of the Democratic Party, with some notable exceptions, Dubya’s fellow travelers initially supported the war--a smart tactic up to the giddy moment that the President considered it safe to proclaim 'mission accomplished' and now, shocked and awed by the Iraqi debacle, shake their heads and ruefully say: 'sorry." A critical note on Christopher Hitchens, Todd Gitlin, Michael Walzer, and others of the mainstream 'Left'.

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