Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


EF!.doc (25 k)
On December 7, 2005, The F.B.I. and local law enforcement began a round up, of alleged environmental and animal rights activists. This attack was not just on radical environmentalists this attack was on the entire environmental movement and American people. Like the red scare in the 40’s, 20’s, and turn of the 20th century the radical left was attacked in the same way which lead to an over all weakening of the progressive movement. On December 7th we ask you to organize your college campus, community, or what ever it maybe to hold an event in solidarity with those who have been rounded up by the F.B.I. Be it demo at the local police department, movie on radical environmental, animal rights activism, (Behind the mask and Pick Axe are two good examples) or letter writing campaigns. On December, 8th 2007 Potomac Earth First! is calling for a Green and Black anti-authoritarian march to the FBI Headquarters to demand that these alleged activists be freed and all charges dropped! We will be starting Feraget square and marching to the F.B.I headquarters from there at one pm. Look for the Green and Black Flags of Potomac Earth First! For more information please e-mail:
Media File
potomac earth first
call to action: Green Scare solidarity
Media Date
11 Nov 2007
File Size
25k (application/msword)
Date Posted
12 Nov 2007
This work is in the public domain

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