Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


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PROTEST DEMONSTRATION AT LONDON 10 DOWNING STREET Balochistan Action Committee in association with Baluchistan Rights Movement, World Sindhi Congress and Sindhi-Baluch Forum is staging a demonstration to protest vigorously against brutal killing of Nawab Mohd Akbar Khan Bugti our Heroic national leader and Baloch resistance fighters by Pakistani Army and to protest against the ongoing criminal military operation in Balochistan, opposite the British Prime minister Office at 10 Downinig Street in London on Sunday 3Rd Sep 06. Balochistan Action Committee actively appeals to all Baloch and other democratic activists and people in UK to participate in the demonstration to express utter condemnation on the despicable terror of our Leader Nawab Mohd Akbar Khan Bugti by Pakistani Military and its dictator Gen Musharaf, and to make a difference to the plight of innocent Baloch victims. The Date and time is confirmed as Sunday 3rd Sep 2006 at 13.00hrs. Place: Opposite British Prime minister’s Office Richmond Terrace, London SW1 Nearest Underground: Westminster on Jublee Line or District & Circle Line Balochistan Action Committee
Media File
Hindu Baloch
Hindu Baloch
File Size
1,223k (image/bmp)
Date Posted
30 Aug 2006
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