Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Urban Development

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Super Barrio is part of the Gentrification Theater Troupe, written and produced by the Sol y Soul street theater group of Washington, D.C. Super Barrio comes to the aid of a group of tenants who learn that their building is being sold. He tells them the meaning of the word "gentrification". Super Barrio comes just in time to tell them that they must get organized, and he leaves them when they begin the process of organizing because, as he tells them, he cannot do it for them; they must organize themselves to fight the gentrification menace. The part of Super Barrio is played by Pedro Aviles.
Media File
Nancy Shia (c)2002 All rights reserved.
Media Date
07 Aug 2002
housing gentrification
File Size
28k (image/pjpeg)
Date Posted
08 Aug 2002

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